Let’s talk about Garbage Disposals. First of all, the name is all wrong. They should be called Small Leftovers from Your Plate Disposal. Or let’s make it easier and use SLFYPD. I know. Maybe it’s not as catchy. But, what do you prefer? A catchy name or saving a bundle of money and lost sleep.
When you drop peels like carrot and potato peels down your drain, they can easily become congealed and form a mass in your trap that ends up costing you a bundle. Furthermore, those tips that say put lemon and orange rinds down the disposal are even worse. The idea is that they will leave your drain smelling fresh. The trap that holds water is designed to reduce or eliminate smells; but it can’t do its job when it’s filled with rinds and other garbage.
TIP: Only small soft food items, stuck to the plates, should be scraped into your disposal. The rest should go into your compost pile or trash.